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The Resurrection of the Body: Step 1

flowersFrom the desk of Jocelyn Olivier…

When I work  with a body that has a problem, I always envision what that body would be like with the problem gone.  I find that, if the client and I are in good rapport, their body will begin rapidly to change to match my vision. I’ve called it ~the authority factor~.  Clearly there is something going on here involving our ability to change rapidly if we could only turn off the programs that are running within us. This is what NeuroMuscular Reprogramming focuses on.

Two people have joined me on my path of the Resurrection of My Body.  Step one on the path to the Resurrection of the Body is to identify what is going on in your body that is not the way you want it to be. Make a list of all the things you want to change.

Describe for yourself the goals you have for your body. What does it want to feel like? Look like? Do for fun? Do for exercise?  After you write this down we will look at things to shift to begin bringing about your desired outcome.

If you would like to join us on the path to resurrect your bodies, send an email to  with your intention to join us and I’ll be in touch.
