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Jocelyn Olivier Biography

Healus Neuro Rehab Center
Institute of Conscious BodyWork
Alive & Well!

For the past four decades Jocelyn Olivier CMT Master BodyWorker, has been a visionary in the field of Somatics, the study of the body. As the founder and director of Alive & Well! Institute of Conscious BodyWork, she has trained thousands of senior bodywork practitioners and advanced contemporary understanding of the value of integrating neurological and physical reprogramming to accomplish client participation in conscious healing and full recovery from neuromuscular dysfunctions and injuries. She is the creator of NeuroMuscular Reprogramming®, a leading edge modality that works with the body’s organizational intelligence to reprogram the body and the brain.

Her clinic, Healus Neuro Rehab Center, is located in Mill Valley, CA and specializes in solving complex conditions involving multi-system breakdown and neuromuscular problems that don’t seem to heal. Healus practitioners use NeuroMuscular Reprogramming®, Brain Function Facilitation, Cranio Sacral Rebalancing, Breathing Re-education and many other tools to lead a client’s body out of the confusion of coordination that results from accumulated dysfunctions left over from past accidents and traumas.

Jocelyn Olivier founded Alive & Well!, Institute of Conscious BodyWork® in Marin County, Ca., in 1987. Her commitment to excellence in education elevated the institute, with its diverse and integrated approaches to bodywork and somatic education, to an unrivaled position in the San Francisco Bay Area.

She has dedicated 40 years to the development and refinement of Conscious BodyWork® and NeuroMuscular Reprogramming(NMR)®. Integrating massage with muscle testing, structural balancing and emotional-energetic resolution for the reduction of stress, shock and trauma, Ms. Olivier has created a highly effective and detailed approach to the resolution of physical structural problems complicated by trauma. It has accomplished results with even those problems that have not responded previously to physical therapy. Gleaned from her study of Applied Kinesiology, Neuromuscular Re-education, Educational Kinesiology®, Native American and Hawaiian Shamanism, and Chinese physical therapy (Tui Na), NMR has earned the respect of clients and therapists around the world.

Promoting Conscious Evolution Through Somatic Education became her motto and motivation to promote communication between multiple bodywork modalities including somatic psychology. To this end Olivier founded the Somatics and Wellness Community within the Association for Humanistic Psychology (AHP) in 1990.  Recognizing the importance of expanding our knowledge about the human body and building a more integrated concept of the human body than that generated by isolated, specialized approaches, the Somatics and Wellness Community began a decade of refining the definition of somatics and expanding the boundaries of the wellness community through multi-disciplinary fairs, publications, and national and international conferences.

During her year as President of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, she produced and directed BodyWisdom, the 1999 International Somatic Congress held at Arrowhead Springs in San Bernardino, Ca.  The 1999 International Somatic Congress: Body Wisdom was the culmination of a decade of work and celebrated as one of the finest conferences ever produced.

For more information about Jocelyn Olivier visit her website