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The Resurrection of the Body: Never Too Old to Change

Springtime FlowersIt’s Spring and my favorite time of year: Easter, Beltane, a time of resurrection, fecundity and new growth! All the flowers are coming on in the garden and mother Gaia is moving and expanding in an extravagance of aliveness; a burgeoning exuberance of re-creation.

After the stressful events of the last few years since 2008, my body was breaking down; my abundant good health was finally collapsing in some serious symptoms.  I felt OLD. I found myself depleted and in need of repair. Who would like to join me in the Resurrection of the body? We can draw upon the energy of Spring to put new initiatives in motion.

We can share what we’re doing and what’s working and offer support in staying focused; keeping ourselves on the priority list in life. Let’s find a balance where life moves gracefully toward all of our goals simultaneously; where no body is left behind…

The Resurrection – Step 1: Listen to your inner messages.
I have heard many messages from my inner voice before and not acted upon them. I think I’ll just begin writing down what my inner voices are saying today!

My inner voices are telling me: We are never too old to change. Just because I am broken now, it doesn’t have to be this way. So I started in with the excellent resources at the Healus Neuro Rehab Center to make some changes in my OWN body after all these years of helping others. (Who do you have in your community who can tune YOUR body up and get it ready for action? What is the easiest step you could take this week to move with intention in the direction of your desires?)

First I am correcting the collapse of my structure that has resulted from lack of activity and too much work leaning forward and working hard with my arms. I’m very encouraged to notice that my body is adapting quickly to new information in the form of NeuroMuscular Reprogramming, and new activities such as yoga and dancing and Dynamic Walking.

My inner voices are telling me other things I need to change, like my caffeine habit and eating in the evenings, and not making self care a priority. This sacrifice of self for the benefit of others, our families, friends and work is a common story for most of us. I’ve spent many years with job and family and obligations and ambition in the priority position at considerable cost. It’s time to resurrect my old self, an energized, strong, enthusiastic, undaunted me.

How about you? What would you like to undertake for you?  How can we support each other?  Contact me at and we’ll compare notes on the journey.

Jocelyn Olivier, Director
Healus Neuro Rehab Center