Webinars: Dynamic Diaphragm & Diaphragm Releases Video Course
Thanks for your interest in NMR and the Diaphragm. The presentation includes 2 segments, one a demonstration of the importance of the diaphragm in clearing neuromuscular inhibitions/weakness; the other a teaching of 3 different kinds of diaphragm releases and when to use them.
The segments of the webinar provide the best possible clarity for the viewing of the various parts.
This is based on the Diaphragm Webinar that took place in January 2015. In the past webinar, an NMR assessment of a client’s muscle inhibitions and dysfunctions was followed by a release of the diaphragm to show its vital role in the inhibition of muscular function. The additional new webinar will outline some diaphragm release options and offer explanation of when and why to use each different technique.
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