Arthritis – Body Intelligence at Work
Commonly called an ‘autoimmune disease’ as if your body is attacking itself, arthritis only shows up in specific joints. Explanations for this fact, even in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, are lacking.
There is no doubt that arthritis has direct connections to our body’s ability to digest certain foods. There are many books written on the subject of what foods to avoid that are very helpful in managing arthritis symptoms. Avoiding certain categories of food reduces the general inflammatory effect in the body.
I’d like to address WHY arthritis shows up in some joints and not others.
In my experience (44 years of clinical practice and teaching), Arthritis is Body Intelligence at work. The joints that are affected by arthritis are weak. They’ve been stressed or damaged in the past and lack full muscular support and function. So the body attempts to stabilize the joint by depositing bone when it cannot rebuild soft tissue integrity. The bone is sore because it is in a state of active bone growth to stabilize the joint. We avoid using a joint that hurts and this contributes further to its weakness and its decline.

It is commonly known that injuries sustained in high school sports will show up as arthritic degeneration in an adult’s 40s. This is because even though tissue heals after an injury, the neuromuscular coordination programs that govern function of that joint are never corrected, not even through exercise. You cannot correct motor coordination dysfunction through exercise alone.
Manual Muscle Testing reveals that one side of an affected joint is inhibited or weak, ie., it is unable to respond when needed. Once the source of the inhibition is removed and the joint is at least responsive, the muscles are capable of being conditioned; of building strength. The soreness in the bones and soft tissue is dramatically and quickly reduced because the inflammation of bone growth is no longer needed as muscle support wakes up. These results can be immediate.
NeuroMuscular Reprogramming NMR® allows us to assess and correct the source of the inhibitions that contribute to arthritic degeneration and other range of motion restrictions resulting from the body’s adaptation to weakness. NMR usually brings about a significant reduction in pain and an improvement in strength and function even within one session.