A continuous sequence of muscular activity creates the beauty and power of the expression of the human body. When these lines of force and movement become inhibited, we feel glitches and restrictions when sequencing a movement. In Mod 3 we learn to re-condition full and graceful movement top to bottom and front to back.
- Apply the NMR protocols to resolving sequencing problems among the muscles responsible for flexion and extension from head to foot.
- Rebuild the support and free the expression of the neck.
- Learn a safe protocol for rebuilding support in the whole spine.
Register 4 Weeks in advance and Save 10%!
Mod 3: Flexion/Extension Kinetic Chains and the Neck – June 2017
$275.00 – $2,000.00
The drop down menus automatically change the price based on your selection. The Class price changes based on:
1. Purchasing in advance, 4 weeks prior to the class start date =10% off ie. $550 changes to $495
2. Repeating a class costs 50% (half off). $250 Prepay Discount; $275 otherwise
3. Purchasing ALL Mods as one product bundle is $2,000 which includes 10% off the regular $2,200 price if purchased separately, and also if purchased at least 4 weeks early gives a Prepay Discount of 10% off reducing the price to $1,800.