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NMR Practitioner

Elizabeth Scupham

  • Mod 1 NMR Practitioner
  • Mod 2 NMR Practitioner
  • Mod 3 NMR Practitioner
  • Mod 4 NMR Practitioner
  • Certified NMR Practitioner
5270 Waterford Drive, DUNWOODY, Georgia, USA 30338

Elizabeth Scupham graduated from the KMI program in 2012, where she studied with Tom Myers, the founder of the discipline.  She has been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1989.  Her approach is a synthesis of many schools, with techniques rooted in her extensive training in Neuromuscular, Craniosacral, Egoscue, and integrated movement schools.  Elizabeth has also taught exercise, yoga, postural work, spiritual practice, improvisation, body prayer, and dance since 1971, and has worked as an actress, dancer, teacher, and choreographer.  She is certified in Spiritual Direction, and has served as a Mentor in the Education for Ministry program through The University of the South.

In 2014, Beth began NMR [Neuromuscular Reprogramming] with Jocelyn Olivier.  This work has added to Structural Bodywork the dimension of analysis of movement patterns.  Reprogramming musculo-skeletal patterns allows for deeper and more permanent healing.

The proud mother of a kickboxer and a fire performer, Elizabeth enjoys working with athletes, senior citizens, individuals with chronic pain, martial artists, and most other people with unique and complicated relationships with their body.  Humor is a part of her practice, as is the spiritual growth that accompanies physical change, catharsis, grace, and lightness.

Contact Information
Full Name: Elizabeth B. Scupham
Business Name: Inner Natures Research Institute Inc
Phone 1: 6788600464

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