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NMR Practitioner

Mila Hutchinson

  • Mod 1 Advanced NMR Practitioner
  • Mod 2 Advanced NMR Practitioner
  • Mod 3 Advanced NMR Practitioner
  • Mod 4 Advanced NMR Practitioner
San Francisco, California, USA

Mila’s journey to becoming a bodyworker started in 1986, when she was exposed to radiation from nearby Chernobyl`s nuclear explosion. Frequent illnesses, compromised immune system and inhibited thyroid function followed the incident and became a new norm for her.

In 2008 a friend introduced her to Reiki energy therapy which started her path as a bodyworker. By 2016 she had completed more than 1,500 hours of training in modalities like Deep Tissue and Myofascial Release, Restorative Breathing, Sports Massage, Emotional Energetics, NeuroMuscular Reprogramming (NMR) and Brain Function Facilitation.

Mila’s gift with NMR has earned her a position on the Healus Center staff where she continues to deepen her understanding of this modality; sharing client histories and progress collaborating with the other Healus practitioners. It was Mila’s compelling personal experience with NMR that convinced her how powerful it is in helping the body and the mind to heal. She is passionate about continuing to improve her health and wellbeing, and helping others do the same through bodywork.

Contact Information
Full Name: Mila Hutchinson
Phone 1: 248-990-3869

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