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NMR Practitioner

Rooted Massage, Marla Smith, AA, LMT

  • Mod 1 NMR Practitioner
  • Mod 2 NMR Practitioner
2950 Breckenridge Lane, Louisville, KY, USA, Ste 5A/2nd floor, Louisville, Kentucky, USA 40220
No elevator

Pain Management
NeuroMuscular Reprogramming
Postural Improvement
Relaxation & Stress Relief
Anxiety & Depression Management

Through the practice of massage and bodywork, I have developed skills that have become invaluable for helping people work out their pain, tension and holding patterns. I also work with them to determine better habits and movement for their bodies.

Contact Information
Full Name: Marla Smith
Business Name: Rooted Massage
Phone 1: 859-816-4285

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