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Mod 2: Integrating Hips & Shoulders: Yelapa – In-Person or Live Streaming Course – October 2022

The drop down menus automatically change the price based on your selection. If this is your first time purchasing, please be sure to register and log in before completing your purchase. If you do not yet hav…
  • Category
  • Category
    Live Streaming Course
  • Category
    Module 2: Integrating Hips and Shoulders
  • Category
    Yelapa Mexico
  • Price

The drop down menus automatically change the price based on your selection.

If this is your first time purchasing, please be sure to register and log in before completing your purchase. If you do not yet have an account, please REGISTER HERE

Refund Policy:

Withdrawal from class by 2 weeks ahead can choose a refund of 75% on tuition and accommodation.  

Option 2: Withdraw in writing at any time and retain full value to apply to registration for a future version of the class. 

Manual Muscle Testing Video Series:

Participants also receive automatic registration for free access to the NMR Manual Muscle Testing Video Series (a $35 value free add-on to the class).  If you do not receive your free video link in the email, please check your spam folder for your class receipt. It has links to the promised FREE resources.  

Please login to your account.  Go to the STORE menu tab, and hover to see and select NMR Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) Series.

In the unlikely event the video page does not appear, or says the page is “Access Denied” after you have logged in and purchased it sometime, well snap, contact us to fix it for you: wsmoulton @ gmail com, include your user name and email and include “MMT Access” in the subject line. Thanks!