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NMR Manual Muscle Testing Video Series

Being specific with muscle testing matters. From start to finish learn correct positioning to test most of the muscles in the body. A great resource for those studying NMR or planning to.  A detailed study …
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Being specific with muscle testing matters.

From start to finish learn correct positioning to test most of the muscles in the body. A great resource for those studying NMR or planning to.  A detailed study guide for anyone interested in kinesiology, the action and direction of individual muscles controlling your range of motion.

Video Series

  Series 1: Intro & MMT Tips

  Series 2: Supine Testing Hips and Low Back

HIP FLEXORS: Rectus Femoris, Illicus, Vastus Medialis Flexion, Psoas, Tensor Fascia Latte, Vastus, Lateralis Flexion, Unilateral Oblique Group, Bilateral Oblique Group

HIP EXTENSORS: Intro, Gluteus Maximus (Flexed HIp), Gluteus Maximus (Neutral Hip), Hamstrings (Extension), Gluteus Minimus/Medius (Extension)

ABDUCTION/ADDUCTION: Adductor Gracilis, Gluteus Medius (Abduction), Adductor Longus, Adductor Longus, Magnus, Brevis, Adductor Pectineus

ROTATION: Glute Medius/Vastus Medialis (Internal Rotation), Pirifomis (External Rotation), Gemelus, Obturator Group, Quadratus Femoris, Sartorius, Piriformis (In Flexion, Adductor Pectineus

  Series 3: Prone Testing Hips and Low Back 1

  Flexors – Rectus Femoris, Iliacus, Psoas, Vastus Lateralis, Sartorius, Oblique Group, Tensor Fascia Late (TFL)

  Series 4: Prone Testing Hips and Low Back 2

  Series 5: Prone Testing Spinal Extensors

  Series 6: Supine Testing Spinal Extensors

  Series 7: Supine Testing Shoulder Complex 1

  Series 8: Supine Testing Shoulder Complex 2

  Series 9: Supine Testing Lower Extremity

  Series 10: Supine Testing Foot and Ankle Complex 1

  Series 11: Supine Testing Foot and Ankle Complex 2

  Series 12: Supine Testing Upper Extremity

  Series 13: Supine Testing Head and Neck Integration

Video Series Delivery

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Please login to your account.  Go to the EDUCATION menu tab, and open the dropdown menu to see VIDEO menu selections, and please select your purchased video series.

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