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NMR Module 1 Video Series

Original price was: $95.00.Current price is: $55.00.
SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Mod 1: Protocols for Hips and Low Back NMR provides fast, easy corrections for complex coordination dysfunctions of the hips and low back.
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    Original price was: $95.00.Current price is: $55.00.


REINTRODUCING the Module Demos to a larger audience.  Formerly only available to students who had completed that module. But the world of education is different now…  Other modalities deliver most of their teaching these days via video.  One of the advantages is the delivery is always ‘at YOUR pace’!

Can you learn NMR Protocols from a video?  These videos were shot with old format cameras,  The knowledge is all there; sometimes the picture is fuzzier than a modern camera would be.  All the demos from each Module are delivered here with explanations. 

The special introductory offer Applies to the first 20 purchasers.  You purchase will be followed up by a  voluntary questionnaire”.  This marketing survey will help us decide how successful this Video Series in demonstrating the concepts and strategies of NeuroMuscular Reprogramming NMR

Module 1: Protocols for Hips and Low Back

NMR provides fast, easy corrections for complex coordination dysfunctions of the hips and low back.

Correcting poor sequencing among the muscles controlling movement and stabilization in these areas quickly restores proper biomechanics and range of motion, alleviating chronic and acute pain of the Gluteals, SIJ and Lumbar Spine.

Learn safe protocols to address sacroiliac joint pain, hip pain, “Military Spine”, excessive lordosis, sciatica, and more.

Video Series:


  Protocol 1: Stabilize Waist to Hips

  Protocol 2: Rebalancing the Hips

  Protocol 3a: Flexion to Extension-Prone

  Protocol 3b: Flexion to Extension-Supine

  Protocol 4: Rotation-Extension-Sidebend

  Protocol 5a: Extensor Integration

  Protocol 5b: Flexor Integration

  Protocol 6: Final Integration

 Concluding Thoughts

Video Series Delivery

Once you have purchased a video series it is delivered via online access viewing (there is no download or shipped product).  Here’s how:

Please login to your account.  Go to the EDUCATION menu tab, and open the dropdown menu to see VIDEO menu selections, and please select your purchased video series.

In the unlikely event the video page does not appear, or says the page is “Access Denied” when you have already logged in and you previously purchased it, and still ended up on the Access Denied page – sincerest apologies, please contact us immediately: wsmoulton @ gmail com, include your user name and email.