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Conditions the Medical Profession Cannot Help

I thought to share this email exchange with a student from the east coast as it contains tips on handling abnormal conditions that clients can’t find solutions for in the medical world….
Hi Jocelyn-
I had a quick and sort of random question. I have a client who has hyperacusis in her left ear which is basically a super sensitivity to sound. She’s had it ever since she got in a big car accident in her twenties (she’s in her seventies now). She really has never found any solutions for it and it interferes with her ability to do everyday things.
I was wondering if you know anything about it and if neuromuscular work could be any benefit? She has told me she’s had trouble with that entire side since the accident.
Just curious if you’ve ever encountered anything like that!   A

Hi A
As far as the whole left side being ‘different since the accident’, that sounds like shock/trauma shutting down communications between the hemispheres. Don’t underestimate the power of Brain Buttons. Sometimes I use them for a good 10 minutes of the session along with a lengthy teaching about how stress turns off communication between the hemispheres and has some VERY predictable shifts that it does in our metabolism.
One word of warning: People who have had a condition for a long time may argue with your assessment and resist the work and so, often they get to keep the condition, because they find the therapist wrong or simply stop seeing them. I worked with a woman just like that at a Triathlon. Because I am so sure of what needs to happen I am able to command attention to what I am saying instead of allowing the recycling back through trauma experiences and remembered pain over and over again. She retold parts of the story to me repeatedly during a 1/2 hour tune up. Remembered tension recreates the tension.  Putting one’s attention on the space around you is another way to get away from being trapped in the trouble. 
I’ve never encountered anything like hyperacusis after an accident, but I encounter things I’ve never encountered most days these days. Trust your instincts. I listen carefully and imagine how the body shuts itself down and stores information as pattern recognition in what Milton Erickson would call ‘Compelling Personal Reference Experiences’.  These are the imprints the body/mind takes at moments of great danger to our survival.
Since she’s had this condition a long time and is now fairly old, my solution for the hyperacusis would be to wear a good sound modulator earplug such as drummers use. They are fitted to your ear. If I were her, I would wear it whenever I was in an environment with noise or even while watching TV.
Be well, stay happy, Jocelyn
For a FREE NEUROMUSCULAR ASSESSMENT to see if NeuroMuscular Reprogramming would be useful to you, call 415 388 9945.

Alternative Medicine, Bodywork, Healing, Massage Therapy, NeuroMuscular Reprogramming, NMR, Physical Therapy


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