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Walking Your Way to Wellness

Dynamic Walking

For over 25 years I have used Dynamic Walking to keep me pain free, warding off debilitating sciatic pain that had resulted from my scoliosis. The ‘gift’ of my disability became a fulfilling career in movement and dance therapy that grows richer every year.
I developed the Dynamic Walking method in 1985 and have taught many others to optimize the conditioning effects of walking to relieve neuromuscular pain and imbalances. And it’s FUN! You can condition as you enjoy time with nature and your friends.
Our bodies are not designed for a sedentary lifestyle – hours spent in a car or at a desk with our world narrowed to what’s in front of our face – as I’m doing typing this right now. Modern life gets us bent out of shape. When I walk dynamically, I have the opportunity to dissolve those kinks and torques.  And since it’s estimated we each take over 4,000 steps a day, exclusive of exercise walking, we have lots of opportunity – once we know what we are doing.
When the cumulative effects of age, structural imbalance and an exuberant lifetime of athletics and dance took its toll and resulted in unremitting pain, threatening my career and my happiness, I turned to Jocelyn Olivier, a trusted colleague of many decades.
Her skilled hands began to address the neuromuscular re-patterning I needed, unlocking dysfunctional coordination patterns and installing efficient ones.
Teaching you the biomechanics of efficient walking will be my pleasure so you too can enjoy pain free stability through doing an ordinary thing: WALKING!
Based on our success in blending NMR and Dynamic Walking, Karin and I are teaming up to offer it to you.
This team teaching, cross-disciplinary approach will give you fundamental self-healing tools to reboot your coordination system, recalibrate your nervous system and extend your benefits from NMR. You will find a new elegance and ease rooted in biomechanical efficiency when walking and exercising.
We look forward to your joining us.
Suki Munsell, Ph.D., RMT, RME