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The Rules of NMR = The Body’s Rules

I am seeing a HUGE IMPORTANCE for PRIORITIES in how we approach a problem to get the fastest possible results.

So yes, there are rules:  the body’s rules = NMR’s Rules.

Here they are:

Correct the Sympathetic/Parasympathetic balance first. (Even that has Priorities)

  1. Integration between R/L hemispheres of the Cortex. The fastest track to this starts with Brain Buttons:
  1. Space Buttons or CranioSacral Rebalancing or Polarity or Restorative Breathing can help the NS to deeply relax. The body’s ability to restore itself is optimized when we deeply relax. Hence periods of rest/relax are also good intertwined with your structural bodywork. Structural work is challenging to the NS, as we are pushing for change in a system that is committed to homeostasis. When there has been an accident or injury, this is paramount.

Reduce Torsions/Rotations in the Thoraco-Lumbar Junction of the Torso next:

Organize the base of the spine for reciprocal rotation in the waist/core pivot at T12/L1

Follow that with the Low Back and Hips Protocols for safely reprogramming the coordination sequencing of the hips and low back/core.   (Detail of this to be found in the NMR Intro manual.)

Organize the Hips to Shoulders relationships before working on the shoulders and neck.  This includes reducing torsions and insufficiencies/lack of tone in the diaphragm.  Other than some general fact finding and massage warm up for the neck, changes will not be possible until the coordination issues in the torso are reduced.  Much time can be wasted trying to get results with the neck without setting up a correct base of support. (Details on this can be found in the NMR Mod 2 manual.)

Moving out from this basic level of organization one can begin to follow the client’s priorities.

In the case of neck issues…

The Thoraco/Cervical junction needs to be functionally normal  1st in order to change pain and dysfunction in the shoulders and neck.  The reciprocal imbalance between left and right Serratus Posterior Superior will cause symptoms in shoulders, elbows and neck.

Shoulder joints should be functionally rebalanced before working on elbow and wrist problems. 

Hips should be functionally rebalanced prior to working on knees and ankles and feet.

The Neck has its own priorities.  Because of the complexity of neck issues the intricacies of  reprogramming the neck in details are not explored until Mod 3 of the basic 72 hr, training and again in the NMR Advanced 30 hr in great detail.

Once big muscle support is available and relationships are functional one can start undoing the deep layers of detail in the soft tissue matrix of the body and even in the skeleton itself.  The Reprogramming of the Spine can be done after rebalancing the big muscles that are creating or perpetuating the torques are corrected.  This level of detail is explored in Adv NMR also.

Intractable problems such as chronic sub-occipital tensions resulting in Migraine, Vertigo, Spasmatic Torticollis, Trigeminal Neuralgia require that the Sub-Occipital Rotators be functionally balanced and then integrated with eye tracking.


  1. Spot work. Too much in depth work in one area without a larger integration plan can be dangerous and leave clients in pain.
  2. Releasing deep tension without an understanding of what that tension is bracing or stabilizing for and without having a strategy for providing the stability that requires it to be tight.
  3. Digging to release spinal fixations. The spine responds best to support and movement instruction in the direction of its normal curvature and function. Significant changes can be made in flattened Thoracic curvatures and excessive or lack of Lumbar lordosis.


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