Breathing to Restore Emotional Resilience and Metabolic Health
The Breath of Life
Learn about normal and paradoxical breathing, how the structure of your head can interfere with breathing, how to use your breath to calm down or generate more energy. Hear Facts, revelations, and engage in practices leading to mastery of your metabolism via your breathing patterns. Take part in a 4 part series on Breathing to Restore Resilience and Metabolic Health.
Breathe in silently through every pore of your skin.
Breathe out silently through every pore of your skin.
You are your breath. You came in with a breath. You go out with a breath.
Learning to Let Go Exercise…
Go to the bottom of your breath and don’t breathe at ALL (until you REALLY want to). It can be an incredible relief to NOT HAVE TO breathe. It can also restore your access to the relaxation response. Practice every night before you drop off to sleep.
Let Your Tongue Rest on the roof of your mouth….
Your tongue is the spacer for the cranial bones; it keeps your upper palate wide and the nasal passages open so you can breathe through your nose as we were designed to. Mouth breathing leads to hidden hyperventilation. People who breathe through their mouth will think they have to because the nasal passages are blocked. Breathing through your mouth CREATES blocked nasal passages. Asthma can be eliminated by correcting overbreathing and hidden hyperventilation. (Look up Eucapnic Buteyko Breathing.)
Breathing for Life 3.17 (pdf)
Did You KNOW?
The Diaphragm is your gear shift lever between the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System?
It massages the vital organs and keeps them healthy?
It can get twisted and collapse?
That the problems with your feet can be a consequence of problems in your Diaphragm?
Watch this video (in French) and attend a 4 part series on Breathing to Restore Emotional Resilience and Metabolic Health at Healus Neuro Rehab Center
Roger Fiammetti